Sunday, August 15, 2010

Been there, done that!

Have you ever seized the opportunity to tell someone that you've experienced EXACTLY what they are going through? Well, that's what my son did! Most people who know him know that he takes after me in expressing what's on his mind, at the exact moment he is thinking it. The luxury that he has, that I do not, is that he is a child who is not expected to demonstrate tact when expressing his views. But I guess that is what makes him (and all other children) say the darnedest things and make us adults smile and laugh in response.

Well, I found out a couple months ago that we are expecting our next child. Needless to say, this time around, I've experienced some pretty typical 1st trimester symptoms, including nausea. Leave it to my quick-witted son to conceive the notion that a fetus might experience stress as a result to the mother expelling her morning biscuit. Adding his two cents, after one of my bouts, he placed his head against my belly and whispered, "Don't worry, Baby, I've been in there before! Everything is going to be just fine!"

My husband and I are thrilled about this pregnancy! I am due in December and can't wait to add new and exciting tales to the Batman and Polka-dot Princess saga.