Saturday, October 11, 2008

Put Me in the Zoo

Well, you'd think that my husband and I would have learned our lesson about child(ren) with permanent markers 4 years ago. For those of you who don't know (or don't recall), when Justin was 3, we were moving into our home in Jacksonville, when Justin got a hold of a black permanent marker and proceeded to decorate the walls with several circles, all in a row down the long hallway...and in the office room! Yes, we took the blame, because we turned our heads for only a minute (ok...maybe 2). forward to this past Friday evening (the 10th). While I was still at work, away from home, Chad decided it was time for Justin to decorate his bucket for cubscouts. This bucket is (and will be) used for the "Den's" camp fire tonight (Saturday 11th). The scouts are to put things in the bucket to be able to use (flashlight, bug spray, marshmallow roaster skewer, etc.) and to decorate the bucket, as instructed by their Den Leader.

So, in the midst of Justin decorating his bucket, Chad (the only parent in the house at the time), turned his head for a minute (or 10) and proceeded to finish his "honey-do" list, which was to put away the clean clothes before Sarah got home from work. Well, as you could probably guess, Justin, during this unattended time alone with permanent markers and the dog faithfully by his side, decided that dog looked plain and needed some color too!

Minutes later, I get a call at work from Chad (who is laughing hysterically) telling me to rush home! When I ask why, he told me about Justin decorating his bucket and then asked me if I remembered the book "Put Me in the Zoo!"....a book we read as kids and of course, read to our colorful son when he was a bit younger. "Of course!" I said. "Well," he said, "Our dog now looks like the leopard in the story who wants to be put in the zoo!"

Lucky for her, whether she realizes or not, or wants it or not....she's already at the house! (And I think Dad will agree!)

After attempting to bathe the dog, Chad called me again and explained that the marker simply won't come off. He begged me not to laugh when I got home and to make sure that I reiterated to Justin how coloring the dog was not appropriate.

"That poor dog!" is all I could think of while driving home. However, needless to say, when I did get home and saw the dog, I couldn't keep a straight face. Poor puppy!

So, what can I say, I had to share the story of "Put Me in the Zoo" at Sarah's house. I hope you enjoy the laugh! Don't worry, the dog wasn't harmed or mentally scarred (at least I don't think so). She's acting normal and seems just fine. But if you know of any other way (besides bathing or licking) to get the permanent marker off, please let me know. Otherwise, I think we're just going to have to let her fur grow out.

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