Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Clash of the Hero's

Yes, it all happened within a blink of an eye. The first battle occured last weekend while visiting my sister. My nephew, the "Spaceman," and Batman collided heads while playing around, as most boys do! Since I wasn't an eyewitness to the crash, I don't know exactly how it happened. However, by tending to the injured, I can only sumise that they were running and fell (funny how that seems to be a family trait!). Batman fell atop Spaceman, whose forehead was split open by Batman's front tooth (incisior, #9) in the fall. Luckily, after being jet rocketed to the closest ER in a 2009 Nissan Altima, it was determined that this astronaut did not need any advanced medical technology to fix his wound -just a couple of sterile strips. News of this came as quite a relief.

Batman, on the other hand, wasn't as lucky. Although he didn't experience any pain, yet, and won't have a scar (as his cousin will have), he will need to "suit-up" and prepare for some reconstructive dental work.

And, as fate would have it, upon returning to our home, Batman experienced defeat and realized too late that his coordination skills still need refining. While flying around, bare-footed and playing with our dog, "The Princess," his last minute decision to kick the dog's toy, instead of throwing it, proved to be ill fated. His foot missed the toy and hit the dog's snout, whose sharp incisior pierced Batman's right foot. He, too, was whisked to the closed medical treatment facility in the Batmobile only to have it be determined to be a superficial battle wound. Two sterile strips were used and he was given 10 days worth of antibotics.
Although alittle dazed and confused, the dog came away clean and she didn't even retaliate....Thank Goodness!

Hopefully, Batman has learned not to play so rough and to leave his superhuman powers to his imagination.

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